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VitamVitamin D Shots for Immunity & Bone Healthin 


Vitamin D is more than a vitamin and has a wider effect that regulating calcium and bone health. It is in fact a hormone that plays an important role in immunity. Sun exposure is the main source of vitamin D hence most people in the West have low levels of vitamin D. 


Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) megadose of 300,000 international unit IM. 

Unique features

-  We only provide vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is more effective than vitamin D2 at raising vitamin D levels in the body. D3 is the form of vitamin D produced in the skin on exposure to sun. D2 is of plant origin and slightly less effective. More information about the difference between D3 and D2 id found by clicking on this link

Will I get better?

If your symptoms are due only to vitamin D deficiency, there is a high chance of improvement. However, other underlying deficiencies or undiagnosed illnesses may be present that have not been tested for. Our role is to ensure the shot is safe for you, but a consultation helps provide a more complete assessment of your needs. If you choose to proceed without one, the outcome may vary depending on other factors.


prices & Bookings

- Vitamin D3 300,000 units IM injection: £75/injection

Clinic Location & openning Times

158 Upper New Walk, LE1 7QA 

Weekdays 9am - 5pm 
Weekends with prior arrangement

Leicester Complementary Solutions LTD, trading as Leicester Ozone Clinic is registered in England, Company Number 14047620

The information on this website is in no way intended to, nor should in any way, replace a medical assessment of any specific medical conditions, nor should it constitute a recommended treatment programme. Ozone, Intravenous therapeutics and other modalities of treatment contained in this website have many benefits but should not replace any treatment advised by your medical practitioner. You should not delay seeking medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website. We advise all patients to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on anyone of our therapeutic programmes

Full disclaimer

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